The Calyx
Cited from: Mysteria Magica by Denning & Phillips
(Face East, assume the wand posture, develop the Rhythmic Breath.)
- Draw in a deep breath; on the expelled breath, vibrate: EI (eeee-iiiiii)
- Draw in a deep breath, raise the arms gently at the sides so that they are held almost horizontally, but not stiffly so: the palms being upturned. The breath is expelled.
- Draw in the breath; on the exepelled breath, vibrate: HE BASILEIA
- Lowering the elbow as may be necessary, on the next indrawn breath bring the palm of the left hand across to the right shoulder. On the expelled breath, vibrate: KAI HE DYNAMIS
- On the indrawn breath bring the palm of the right hand across to the left shoulder, across the left arm. On the expelled breath, vibrate: KAI HE DOXA
- Keeping the arms crossed, incline the head slightly forward on the pasue at the end of the breath. Draw in the breath. On the expelled breath vibrate: EIS (aaayyy-iii-sss) TOUS AIONAS